
Maude Lebois Speaker at an ICC masterclass on “Arbitration in the Construction Industry”

Maude Lebois, a founding partner of Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes, will speak at an ICC masterclass on “Arbitration in the Construction Industry”.

The masterclass will explore the unique aspects of construction arbitration and discuss effective strategies for managing complex procedures. Maude Lebois and Florian Quintard of Pinsent Masons will share their insights as they discuss procedural and substantive matters, from the perspectives of both counsel and arbitrator. Drawing on numerous practical examples and case studies, the aim is to identify emerging trends for effectively managing these procedures and optimizing success rates. The masterclasses will be moderated by Yann Schneller.

The event will take place on 14 may 2024 from 09:00 to 11:00 at King & Spalding’s office in Paris.