Emmanuel Gaillard | PUBLICATIONS
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A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, Kluwer Law International (2001-2003)
- Poiré v. Tripier, Cour de Cassation, 2000/19423, 14 February 2003, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- A.B.S. American Bureau of Shipping v. The Shipping Co-ownership Jules Verne, Cour d’appel de Paris, 2001/17293, 4 December 2002, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Panalpina World Transports AG v. la Société Transco, Cour d’appelde Paris, 2001/16623, 28 November 2002, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Voith Turbo GmbH and Co. v. Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisiens (SNCFT), Cour d’appel de Paris, 2001/15002, 28 November 2002, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Arab Business and Commerce International Est (ABC) v. Diverseylever Ltd., Cour d’Appel de Paris, 2001/10769, 11 April 2002, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- The Levant Shipping Company v. Romanian Air Transport Tarom, Cour de Cassation, 1999/19878, 19 March 2002, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Quille Le Trident v. CEE Euro Isolation, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 00-10.806, 20 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Perrin v. B. et al., Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/11408, 13 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Creighton v. Ministère des Finances et Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Agriculture de l’Etat du Qatar, Cour d‘appel de Paris, Not Indicated, 12 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG v. Taffin et al., Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/13409, 6 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Biscuiterie de la Baie du Mont Saint-Michel v. SA Keroler, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 00-14.484, 6 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Petit Perrin et al. v. Dor-de Saint-Pulgent, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-21.870, 6 December 2001v, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Golliot v. Société Profidis et al., Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-11.557, 6 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Fremarc v. ITM Entreprises, Cour de Cassation, 2000/10711, 6 December 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SARL Cathargo Films v. SARL Babel Productions, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/14249, 29 November 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Zetor AS v. Same Deutz Farh SPA, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/11019, 22 November 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Polynésienne d’investissement maritime v. Austral Ships PTY Ltd., Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/20912; 2000/02482, 22 November 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Centre de cablages électroniques de Laval v. Comeca, Cour d‘appel de Paris, 2000/15102, 8 November 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- National Iranian Oil Company v. Etat d’Israël, Cour de cassation, 1e Ch. civ., 2000/06204, 8 November 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- QSA Radio Frequency Systems v. Thomcast, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 00-13.721, 18 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SARL Société grenobloise d’investissement v. Eurovia et al., Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 00-12.880, 18 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SARL Hochtief France et al. v. Société Téléphériques de la Grande Motte, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-21.813, 18 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Mège v. Michaud, Financière Adhemar Brucind, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 00-11.572, 18 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Quarto Children’s books Limited v. Editions du Seuil et al., Cour de cassation, 1e Ch. civ., 99-19.319, 16 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Quarto Children’s Books Ltd. v. Editions du Seuil, Editions Phidal, Inc., Cour de Cassation, 1999/19319, 16 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Société G. et A. Distribution v. Prodim, Cour d’appel de Caen (1re Ch., sect. civ. et com.), 00/02654, 11 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Kis v. Lopez-Alberdi, Cour de cassation, chambre sociale, 99-43.288, 9 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SERARL Radiologie et imagerie médicale Pasteur Bergouignan v. Hummel, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/13577, 4 October 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Caisse fédérale de crédit mutuel du Nord de la France v. Banque Delubac et Compagnie, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/19498, 27 September 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Golshani v. Gouvernement de la République Islamique d’Iran, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/08671, 28 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Société American Bureau of Shipping (Abs) v. Copropriété maritime Jules Verne, Jet Flint SA and others, Cour de cassation, 1e Ch. civ., 99-17.120, 26 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Cargill France v. SA Tradigrain France, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/23515, 14 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Compagnie commerciale André v. Sa Tradigrain France, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/23497, 14 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Hellafranca v. Sa Natalys, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/03908, 7 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SA Société financière des hautes technologies v. Dutour, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/16111, 5 June 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Cofinance v. Sa Castorama., Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1998/23665, 22 May 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SGD v. Tebel penumatiek BV, Alshtom fluides Sapag, Cour de cassation, chambre commerciale, 98-19.469, 22 May 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Soufflet Negoce v. Bensaude et a., Tribunal de grande instance de Paris (1e Ch., 1e sect.), 99/13273, 9 May 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Mulliez v. Ruckstuhl, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-18.802, 3 May 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Seagram France v. GE Massenez, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-14.325, 3 May 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Société National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) v. Etat d’Israël, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/06204, 29 March 2001, Société National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) v. Etat d’Israël, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/06204, 29 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SARL Carthago Films v. SARL Babel Productions, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/14249, 29 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Gouvernement de la Fédération de Russie v. Compagnie Noga d’importation et d’exportation, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 2000/10183, 22 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Albert et autres v. Société Frabeltex, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/06737; 2000/05733, 15 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Alain Coquard v. Vidéopole, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. civ.), Not Indicated, 8 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Eric Noat v. Cécile Boccaccio, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 99-12.439, 8 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Plaza v. Ripert et LCR Rapidos, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 98-18.724, 8 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- SNEP Syndicat national de l’édition phonographique, SCPP Société civile pour l’exercice des droits des producteurs phonographiques v. SNAM Syndicat national des artistes musiciens de France, SPEDIDAM Société civile de perception et de redistribution des droits des artistes-interprètes de la musique et de la danse, Cour de cassation, 1e Ch. civ., Not Indicated, 6 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- République du Congo et autre v. Sa Commisimpex, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. C), 1999/20093, 1 March 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- BIC SA v. Chambre de commerce internationale et al, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. A), 2000/19708, 28 February 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Société Cubic Defense Systems Inc. v. Chambre de commerce internationale, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. A), 99-12.574, 20 February 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Halbout et société Matenec Hg, Epoux Hanin, Cour de cassation, 2e Ch. civ., 98-21.324, 15 February 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Roger v. Fetoux, Cour d’appel de Paris, Not Indicated, 8 February 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Peavey Company v. Organisme général pour les fourrages, Agracom and others, Cour de cassation, 1e Ch. civ., 98-20.776, 6 February 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Sa Auchan v. société Puerto Loisirs, Cour d‘appel de Paris (1e Ch. civ.), 1999/20545, 18 January 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- Société Baii Recouvrement et autre v. Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation, Cour d’appel de Paris (8e Ch. D), 1996/18513; 1999/15406, 18 January 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com
- John Brown Deutshe Engineering GmbH v. Sadek, Tribunal d‘instance de Paris (8. arr.), 148774, 15 January 2001, headnotes and summary, A contribution by the ITA Board of Reporters, ITA Arbitration Report, KluwerArbitration.com